Monday, December 26, 2011

X-mas Aussie style vs Österlen

My marsupial brother from Sydney is blessing us with his presence this X-mas. Not only has he travelled to the other side of the planet, he has also left 35 degrees of summer and salty beaches with perfect surf behind him. So to make him feel like he is not missing out, we all went to the beach today, as he would have if he had been at home. The atmosphere in the car going there was probably pretty much the same as it would have been back in Sydney. Ivar was totally insisting that he was gonna go for a swim once we got there, and that he wanted to do it right a way for example. Once we got there the difference became a tad more apparent. Let's say it was on the windy and chilly side (on a lighter note there was plenty of parking). The kids didn't seem to care that much though. A day at the beach is a day at the beach regardless... Only Ivar was not as keen for that swim though... And as for my brother, well he didn't seem as excited as we were hoping he would be.

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