Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ivar & Diana vs The Grinch

Ok, by now I would understand it if one would be sick/bored/provoked by the fact that I just can't shut up about this whole X-mas thing. I really do... And yes, X-mas wasn't invented this year, but for me it kind of was. I simply have not embraced it previously in life. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I have not celebrated great  X-masses. And that those haven't had full potential to engage me... I simply have not taken it to heart. I've been blind to it. I've been the Grinch. But evidently the tides have turned. So this weekend we've indulged in some more X-massy activities around the house. Diana very professionally has taught me how to make "lussebullar" (a first for me). I don't seem to be a very good adept though, because although she warned me they would end up too large the way I wanted to do them, I did not listen. We've also welcomed a X-mas tree to our family. I spent most of the time trying to untangle the lights, so here I did not get the chance to ruin the way the kids wished to dress it. I think their theme was "All in!" No less than three times we had to run for cover as this wretched thing decided to fall over... Did it upset them when their creation repeatedly was destroyed as it violently hit the floor? Judging by the intensity of their hysteric laughter every time this happened, I'd say not. Their dad on the other hand cursed silently to himself as he was cleaning up the mess for a third time, thinking maybe, just maybe we'll calm this X-mas spirit down a little now... or not.

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