Sunday, November 27, 2011

"The next Steve Jobs will be a chick"

I’ve for quite a while had this theory that the present millennium belongs to the woman. I’ve often brought up my reasoning for this, but have had a tough time to get people to agree with me. Men or women regardless weirdly enough. But perhaps I just haven’t articulated this idea the right way. In the December 2011 issue of Fast Company Louis C.K. seems to share my viewpoint: The Next Steve Jobs Will Be A Chick. Given that he must be brighter than me, his explanation is a lot more convincing (and entertaining) than mine:

“Overall, I think it’s a good time to have a girl in the 21st century because things are changing, with more opportunities for women. But girls are still the underdog, which means they’ll work harder, and everybody loves an underdog. The next Steve Jobs will totally be a chick, because girls are No. 2 – and No. 2 always wins in America. Apple was a No. 2 company for years, and Apple embodies a lot of what have been defined as feminine traits: an emphasis on intuitive design, intellect, a strong sense of creativity, and that striving to always make the greatest version of something. Traditionally, men are more like Microsoft, where they’ll just make a fake version of what that chick made, then beat the shit out of her and try to intimidate everybody into using their product.”

Louis C.K. (here with actress Hadley Delany) uses interactions with
his real-life daughters as fodder for his Emmy-nominated series.

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