Sunday, April 15, 2012


Woke up and felt full of energy. Put on some loud "good mood" music in the early am which is when this household gets out of bed. The kids went with my lead and put on some smiling faces to match, which they kept on all day. Had a long breakfast with many laughs about nothing essentially. A trait which otherwise mostly is a characteristic exclusive to my three year old who doesn't really need a reason for the odd laugh here or there.

Still with the music thumping away we all got ready for Diana's friends birthday bash and then closed the door behind us and with great spirits headed to it. Running late but not feeling any stress, we walked through a deserted sunday morning Stockholm that finally treated us to some spring weather. Having finally arrived at our destination we hung out at the birthday celebration which to us parents was surprisingly chill, but in a good way. The mom in the family had totally outdone herself as far as creating a cake themed according to the movie "Cars",  with matching cup cakes that were very impressive to say the least. And tasty!

When the party was drawing to a close this little trio, spun out on sugar highs, went to the park for a long sought after after skate session. Well, at least two thirds of the group did some skating, while the crippled other third did... well, not that much. Some other parents who were present in the park were first a little surprised that D+I, despite their age, were on skateboards. But the surprised looks soon turned into faces of worry as these fearless little grommets started darting from one end of the skate park to the other, not showing much respect to the (much) older skate heads and still wearing those smiling faces regardless of how many times they involuntarily studied the tarmac at a closer range.

However, even I drew the line when Ivar insisted on hitting the ramp. But judging by how intensely he instead studied the guys at work in it, I probably wont be able to keep him out of it for too long.

On the way home the activity of choice became picking as many spring flowers as one could possibly carry, which now are spread throughout the apartment in all kinds of odd places in equally odd solutions that fit the purpose of vases.

This day has in many ways felt like it went on forever and at the same time like it went way too quickly.

In conclusion, the only negative thing to say about our Sunday together is that it wasn't a Saturday.

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