Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to tell if a doctor is about to avoid a question

It is somewhat believed that if a person is telling a lie their eyes will look to the right (your left). Weather that is true or not I don't really know. What I do know is that whenever I ask a doctor (funnily enough I've met a few in the last week, but rarely the same twice), and I ask them an awkward question to which I'm actually not even expecting an adequate answer to, they almost all react in the same peculiar way. As they struggle to give me an answer (or rather avoid to), not only do they look to the right, they also look up above my doorway at some imaginary clock that by some mystery only they can see. As I point out (which I always do) that there actually is no clock hanging there they mumble something about that there used to be... Hmmm... I'm not convinced, because they never then look at their own watch or ask me what the time is...

...well, well, quite amusing I guess and I'll hear the truth from the nurses anyway.

By the way, I think I'm officially on a hunger strike now. All I need now is to come up with a cause to make it worth while...

Any suggestions?

I'll have forensics look for those marks where
the clock used to hang

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