Tuesday, December 6, 2011

London, Paris, NYC – Amazing X-mas windows of 2011

In case you’ve missed it I can inform you that the holiday season is now here in a major way! Unlike me you may not be feeling it yet. Stressing out at work, cursing the fact that all deadlines are pushed ahead forward one week this damned month, just because of this wretched thing called Christmas. I feel you. Used to be the same, but with two kids at home, everyday this month becomes a miniature celebration. These little rascals are X-mas spirit personified and I would never have thought it a few years back, but I’m taken by it! Last night I really became a little scared of myself though. Laying in my sofa, the kids peacefully asleep, and without any apparent reason or excuse, I found myself listening to a Nat King Cole Christmas album. I must surely have gone mad!

In any case, in an attempt to contaminate the rest of you with this spirit, who better to ask for help than those who know this thing best. The Church you ask yourself? No better than that. The greatest department stores around the globe! If anybody knows how to push X-mas just a little bit too much and beyond, it’s these guys! Checking out what they are up to this year, it seems somebody forgot to tell them there is an economic crisis going on. And thank God for that (no pun intended) because these storefront windows truly surpass the realms of creativity and ones imagination in an amazing, inspiring and fantastic manner! So, the following two nights I will prove my point by sharing the best of the best with you...

First up are Bergdorf Goodman (New York) with their theme "The Carnival of the Animals",  Printemps (Paris) with their Karl Lagerfeld/Chanel co-created theme of "Dreams of far away" and Liberty of London (London) without a theme but none the less greatly executed! Enjoy!

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Bergdorf Goodman

Liberty of London

Liberty of London

Liberty of London

Liberty of London

Liberty of London








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